In 1534, a German pharmacologist named Crispin first reported the effects of cupped or holding hands on the blood flow of veterans or hot air pumps. As previously noted, cupping or holding the hands applies heat to the hands that draw blood away from the surface of the skin. This circulation reduces blood pressure, which, in turn, reduces pain. Crispin found that the cupping technique also increased blood circulation, and there was a marked reduction in edema, or swelling, in the cupped hands.
Over the years, cupping therapy has been improved to produce more gentle hands, and even commercial products are being produced to provide hands-cupping therapy. During cupping therapy, the cupped hands are placed against a surface, and the massaging effect instantly opens fissures and promotes blood circulation to the fascial tissue.
In some practitioners' practices, the cupped hands literally become thermal zones where patients experience greater comfort. Such therapy not only benefits the local skin but also widely benefits entire body systems. Cupped hands sensual massage not only relieves muscular tension but also reduces trauma to tendons, ligaments, joints, and nerves. Research has demonstrated that cupped hands massage is especially effective in reducing pain, inflammation, joint discomfort, and physical deformity in the elderly. Cupping hands massage may be particularly important in the medical field because of the limited skills of physicians and the need to maintain proprietary techniques. Cupped hands massage has been used effectively to treat fibromyalgia syndrome, tendonitis, sprains, and strains, helping to improve range of motion and relieving muscle tension due to long-term therapy or electrotherapy. The method has also been shown to help alleviate certain phobias, such as phobias toward fat, fear of germs, and other such issues.
Cupped hands massage therapy, a form of therapeutic Massage, may involve the use of specially designed chairs or tables. Elsewhere, the hands are Massage from different angles, rotatably, pivoting, and flush with the surface of the body. Cupped hands massage makes use of the upward, downward, side, and rear shallow fast, alternate with the oblique or side rapid motions. These gentle massaging motion helps create and release of wilted, relaxed tissues, restores normal blood circulation, reduces static and hemorrhaging pain, and promotes relaxation.
Cupping hands massaging has been found to relieve various types of pain associated with varied diseases and disorders. Cupping hands massaging mainly targets restricted or tense muscles, promoting proper circulation, and relaxing tight muscles, thus creating the optimum state for the body.
Cupping hands massaging has been found to improve blood circulation throughout the body, especially the hands, which are Influenced by gravity. Cupping hands massaging has been found to reduce blood pressure, alleviating hypertension. Cupping hands massaging has been found to reduce arthritic pains, besides relieving the discomfort of arthritis. Cupping hands massaging has been found to be effective in curing certain types of herpes infections. Cupping hands massaging has been found to reduce the itching of eczema.
Cupping hands massaging has been found to promote optimal healing for certain types of surgery. Cupping hands massaging has been found to shorten the hospital stay in favor of patients. Cupping hands massaging has been found to reduce surgical risks, as well as shorten recovery time.
Cupping hands massaging has been found to reduce surgical risks, as well as shorten recovery time. Cupping hands massaging has been found to reduce arthritic pain and relieve muscle cramps.