When The Levee Breaks
“Treat someone like an object, and they’ll behave like one.”
The objectification of women is a problem in current pop culture. For years, women have been used as mere visual trinkets intended to make men look more virile in videos. In song, women are usually relegated to derogatory and derisive terms like b*tch, ho, slut, Lil Kim, etc. As the objectification continues, the thought is that the men of tomorrow will view women less and less as equal partners and more as property and possessions to be owned and commanded. A recent study conducted by Tamar Saguy discovered this:
Leading a team of Israeli and US psychologists, she has shown that women become more silent if they think that men are focusing on their bodies. They showed that women who were asked to introduce themselves to an anonymous male partner spent far less time talking about themselves if they believed that their bodies were being checked out. Men had no such problem. Nor, for that matter, did women if they thought they were being inspected by another woman.
It stands to reason that as women feel objectified, they reveal less about themselves. To wit:
Saguy’s study is one of the first to provide evidence of the social harms of sexual objectification – the act of treating people as “de-personalised objects of desire instead of as individuals with complex personalities”. It targets women more often than men. It’s apparent in magazine covers showing a woman in a sexually enticing pose, in inappropriate comments about a colleague’s appearance, and in unsolicited looks at body parts.
Wow, that is tragic. And I’d buy it lock, stock, and barrel except…
…video hoes and hoodrats seem to have not gotten the memo. In the past three years, more video hoes have started spilling the beans on their trysts and triumphs, have hit the circuits to talk about how it feels to be objectified, and they seem to love it. Hell, very few even take issue with being called video hoes.
Okay, I have no proof to back that one up but like Chris Rock said, if you show up to work wearing a hoes uniform, you can’t be mad when somebody treats you like one. An entire cottage industry has grown out of video hoes making a name for themselves in entertainment. Think about it, mainstream America actually knows the NAMES of quite a few of them now.
Where dey do dat at?!!!?!?!?
Oh yeah, Oprah.
From Superhead to Angel Lola Luv to Melyssa Ford, even to the Paris Hilton’s and Kim Kardashian’s of the world, reality TV and the public’s insatiable desire for gossip and non-sense, video hoes and women famous for their sexual (de) merits have caused objectified women to share more pieces of themselves than Jenna Jameson. Now, of course this study was done with women who didn’t know their male counterpart and when they felt the man was solely focusing on their assets, they spoke up less. So it’s not really an apples to oranges comparison. However, video hoes on the other hand have created an entire life out of exhibitionism and won’t stop yapping. The game is to be sold, not to be told, but they won’t shut their traps, flying directly in the face of this study.
And well, hoodrats, they just don’t stop yapping anyway and loves them some objectification. Use it or lose it. Though ironically, I’ve heard quite a few successful and professional women indicate that they realized the values their bodies had and that while it was still how they liked it, they would do best to benefit from the attention they received.
Now, I realize that a video ho is probably more prone to attention whoring given her desire to share her assets to the world for as many to see as possible anyway, so once again, apples and hand grenades, but I’m sure there is an entire segment of the population out there that not only relish the opportunity to speak more because of their assets, they look for opportunities to do so, and perhaps weren’t captured in the expansive 207 person study. The fact that they’re students doesn’t help either since they probably read and reading makes one more conservative.
So says Panama anyway.
Plus, when you factor that the reason for less personal revelation is because half of the women probably were saying, “I’m up here, thank you…so I’m a Scor…ah ah…focus…” After a while you just stop trying and exchange numbers so you can talk that way.
Note that men don’t care one way or another. Testosterone win.
Anyway, ladies do you tend to speak less when you feel objectified and how objectified do you feel on a daily basis? Further, to the guys, do you ever really just stare at a chicks boobs when trying to holler at her? It seems like it would be counterproductive to procuring the digits or BB PIN number?
Share, because sharing is caring.
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