I recently moved and have been without cable for over a week and some change now. Oh, and my new neighborhood? Well, let’s just say that I’ve got enough material so far to establish a whole new Pulitzer Prize winning journalistic career about life sociological differences on the other side of the railroad tracks. I’m talking about writing snapshots of life that would make Gordon Parks jealous. wish I was joking. I am not. Be prepared. I’ve got a slew of posts coming down the pipeline and I’ve only been here for a week.
Anyway, back to my lack of cable. Now one would think that life sans cable would leave me, somebody whose entire life revolves around pop cultures and “what’s going on”, feeling a bit empty inside. But with the advent of Facebook, Twitter, and the WiFi that I’m borrowing from somebody (this is a feat in and of itself around here…trust me), I don’t feel like I’ve missed a thing. Well that’s not completely true…I have missed Love & Hip-Hop: ATL and that has made me sad. But it’s also made me happy because, well, I’ve missed Love & Hip-Hop: ATL. This type of conundrum has to be what W.E.B. DuBois was really talking about with his whole double consciousness thing. Forget being Black making it in a white world, it’s all about that #ratchetlife. Or not. See? I’ve got a foot in and out of that world. Help me. I’m like Nicki Minaj on a David Guetta song.
I’ve lost my way.
Freedom. Wednesday (tomorrow) is July 4th and since it’s a day based upon the Freedom of this great land of ours, and more since I have lived a week without cable, I figured I’d delve into other things that I previously thought I couldn’t live without but it turns out that, well, I just may be able to do so.
Oh, it hasn’t been all roses. Not having ESPN and my NewsChannel8 in the morning has been troubling. #HiJummy
Moving on…
1. Nas
(Yeah, this list is TOTALLY not going where you thought it was. #imsoratchet)
Sure he’s one of the greatest rappers of all time, but if you never heard another Nas song again…would you notice? I don’t think so. In fact, I’ll bet that outside of backpack hip-hop heads and folks who like to argue about hip-hop, nobody talks about Nas until he releases an album, and then stops immediately after the album has hit stores. That’s me. Nas? I can live without his career at this point.
Along the same lines…
2. D’Angelo
I thought I missed D’Angelo until I realized that I’ve lived without his music for damn near 15 years. At this point, it’s okay, D. Stay away. We’re good. We’ve moved on. The only good think about D’Angelo performing at the BET Awards is that we’re either one step closer to hell actually freezing over or Detox coming out. My money is on the Grim Reaper pissing icicles over the River Styx while pilgrims get stuck in the waters that slaves waded in…down by the riverside (down by).
3. Black major distributed films
Sure we’d all like to have a movie that Black folks can go to the movies to see in unison like Think Like A Man and NOT have to cringe if you read or defend it if you don’t. But real talk, I can just sit on Netflix all day and watch movies that nobody in their right mind should see. I don’t need to see another Love Jones as long as people keep making movies like He’s Mine, Not Yours. By the way, Jason Weaver is criminally slept on. If he had won over Kevin Hart as Best Black Male actor, then I’d be okay with it.
4. Expensive arse shoes
Maybe I’m getting old (possible) or maybe I just don’t see the value in them anymore (likely). Now every time I open my closet and look at my $200 Foams I just shake my head. A lot. In fact, the shoes I get the most wear out of are my Chucks. As in my $45 shoes that function in all surroundings from white bars to Black hip-hop functions (though I acknowledge that hip-hop functions are a shoe lovers wet dream). This includes Jordan’s by the way, except the 4s. I can’t lie, if I can ever get my hands on a pair, I’ll pay $200 for them and not think twice about it.
5. All mainstream hiphop
Yeah. Easy target. But that’s that sh*t I don’t like. Which is partially a lie. I like Rick Ross when he’s making good music. He just hasn’t been doing that lately to me. Oh, and I know nobody will agree with me, but I’m possibly the onliest person alive who hasn’t been moved by anything coming from this G.O.O.D. Music Cruel Summer album. I don’t love “New God Flow” and never liked “Mercy”. Heresy? Possibly. But I miss the old Kanye.
Alright, that’s a few things that I can live without now. So…what about you? It’s the day before the 4th. Enjoy yourself.
And have a Happy 4th of July! We’re taking a break around here for the holiday so have a good time and don’t get hit by any fireworks…like I did last year. True story, I got hit in my arm and leg by a rocket and had to dive behind a car to save myself from the rocket exploding all up in my life space. It also dented my car.
Sharing is caring.
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