This one is going to haunt me for some time.
It’s either the story of a missed opportunity or a test of my faith in the universe to provide. I’d never seen her around town or in the yoga studio before. When she walked in the door our eyes locked. Then a smile. Then each to our mat. When I practice yoga I am very internally focused, hardly ever looking at anyone else in the class. I will admit though, I did steal a couple of glances at her during a seated twist.
I’m usually one of the last ones to leave at the end, hanging back to chat with the yoga instructor who’s become a good friend of mine. This time I took even a little bit longer as I made some small talk with another guy in the change room. But as I walked out, she happened to be walking out of the women’s change room at the same time. We met at the bench to put our shoes back on. We were the last ones there.
“How did you find the class?” I asked her. From there we introduced ourselves; I asked her if she lived in town. She did the same. I told her what street I was on (the streets here aren’t very long). There was an easy connection. There was more chit chat. Then that brief moment of silence. Decision time.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you later.”
“Have a good night,” she said to me as I turned my back to walk out.
“You too,” I said over my shoulder as I opened the door.
I paused outside. Then continued walking. Slowly. I guess I was hoping for her to come out and catch up with me, where somehow we’d decide to go grab a tea together or something. I waited at the crosswalk. No sign of her. Should I go back in there? I thought. I didn’t.
As I walked up the hill the scenarios flooded my mind. Up to anything exciting tonight? I could have asked. Which could have led to I hope this doesn’t sound too forward, but would you like to grab a coffee or tea? So many ways I could have handled the situation differently. Ones that would have led to possibly getting to know her better, or at the very least find out if she had a boyfriend.
I punished myself with such thoughts until I reached home. Then I decided to test the universe. She knows what street I live on. Maybe she is thinking the same things as me and will be drawn to where I am. I stood outside my house on the sidewalk, waiting. I thought what a cool story this would be if she actually pulled up, something to convince others that yes, there is much more to this world than we can comprehend.
The street was silent and dark, streetlights shimmering off the pavement, wet from the day’s rainfall. Nothing. I guess the universe doesn’t do home delivery.
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